60 Years of Holy Dormition Pilgrimage – Little Movie with Pictures

Dear Pilgrims, Friends, and Benefactors,

If you weren’t able to attend the 60th Holy Dormition Pilgrimage this year, or if you paticipated but did not have  a chance to sit and watch the DVD with pictures from the 59 Holy Dormition Pilgrimages hosted by the Sisters Servants, and assisted by Lay Associates and volunteers, click on 60 Years of Holy Dormition Pilgrimage and enjoy!!! 


Dear Friends,

Our double jubilee celebrations in 2009 and 2010 commemorating the 50th anniversary of our establishment of the American Province and the 75th anniversary of our ministry in the United States

A dream that Sr. Michele Yakymovitch, dreamt was to build a shrine to Blessed Josaphata. As most of you know, this dream has become a reality with the help of our benefactors.The shrine is open throughout the year for pilgrims to visit and pray for your many intentions, knowing that our foundress, Blessed Josaphata has answered your prayers and continues to do so through her intimate relationship with God while she was living and now that she enjoys eternal life.

Although the building is complete, the walkway leading up to the shrine is still in need of pavers.The pavers cost $50.00 and may be purchased and engraved with the sentiment of your choice. You may wish to remember loved ones, express gratitude for something or someone, write a simple message, or just add your name witnessing your devotion to Blessed Josaphata.  

A form with the information about the pavers is listed below for your convenience.

We thank you for your support of our ministry and our sisters over the years and pray for God’s continued blessings upon you and your loved ones.

Sister Kathleen Hutsko, SSMI  

Provincial Superior 



Please click here to download the form to fill out and send it.


Brick Engraving Options Page 1 


Brick Engraving Options Page 2 

Sisters Servants Celebrating Blessed Josaphata’s Day

On June 27, 2001, Pope John Paul II beatified Sister Josaphata Hordashevska, the foundress of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate, giving her the title “Blessed” one step closer to her canonization.  He also designated her birthday, November 20th, as her day of celebration.
This year the Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Conception Province in the USA celebrated November 20th by spreading Blessed Josaphata’s intercession and prayer in various ways throughout the province.
The sisters visited people in their homes, nursing home uplifting them with food nourishment as well as spiritual nourishment.  The sisters also celebrated Blessed Josaphata with the staff at the Stamford Eparchial Chancery and Seminary gifting them with a Josaphata candle, medal and holy cards.
The students in our St. Nicholas School in Passaic, NJ were brought to the convent to learn more about Blessed Josaphata as they viewed the DVD about her life.   Blessed Josaphata is beloved by our people, but there are still many who do not know about this “Woman for All Times,” whom we hope will be canonized by the year 2017, the 125th Jubilee of the Congregation of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate.
Please check our website for more photos.
Сестра Йосафата Гордашевська, засновниця Сестер Служебниць Непорочної Діви Марії була проголошена Блаженною – Папою Іваном Павлом ІІ, 27го червня 2001р. Цей титул «Блаженна» дано сестрі Йосафаті як один з  ступінів який є до процесу канонізації. Папа Іван Павло ІІ проголосив її День празника в той  день коли Блаженна Йосафата народилася 20го листопада.
Цього року Сестри Служебниці Непорочного Зачаття, США, святкували 20 листопада, поширюючи посередництво й молитву Блаженної Йосафати в різний спосіб в Провінції.
Сестри відвідали людей у своїх домах і лікарні, піднесуючи їх фізично й духовною поживою.
Сестри справляли День Йосафати разом з персоналом канцелярії і семинарії Стемфордської Епархії. Сестри також подарували їм спеціяльні свічки, медалики і образки Бл.Йосафати.
Студенти школи святого Миколая (Пасейк, Н.Дж.) були запрошені в дім Сестер. Там вони переглянули  відео фільм  про життя Бл.Йосафати, щоби про неї більше дізнатися і навчитися, як  вона жила духовним і повсякденним життям. 
Блаженна Йосафата є дуже улюбленою посеред наших людей, але багато  людей ще не є ознайомленні з нею  як «Жінкою всіх часів». Ми надіємося про її канонізацію в 2017 році як 125 літній Ювілей Згромаджння Сестер Служебниць