It is a moot argument as to which of our six ministries is the most important. However, if we had to choose, one could argue that education tops the list.

Why is this? Simply because, in terms of impact, this ministry trains our youth, the future of our Church.

SSMI can no longer fully staff parochial schools as in the past. However, we can still have an impact by maintaining a presence in as many parochial schools as we can.

Today we proudly support missions at these two, very fine parochial schools:

St. Nicholas School – Minersville, PA

The timeline at this school is unusual. SSMI has had missions at St. Nicholas from 1937 to 1942, 1943 to 1973, and from 1978 to the present. Presently, two sisters are in our mission to St. Nicholas. One sister teaches religion to all grades plus CCD classes on Sunday mornings. A second sister is in pastoral ministry. She assists the pastor in bringing Holy Communion to those in hospitals, nursing homes, and to shut-ins, those confined to their homes because of poor health. The sisters also run the girls junior sodality and train altar boys.

St. Nicholas School – Passaic, NJ

SSMI had a mission at St. Nicholas Parish from 1939 to 1978, and then returned in 1982. One sister is principal of the school and substitutes in all grades. A second sister teaches religion to all grades and also teaches Saturday-morning CCD classes to those attending public schools. The sisters also run the girls junior sodality.