Dear Friends,

Our double jubilee celebrations in 2009 and 2010 commemorating the 50th anniversary of our establishment of the American Province and the 75th anniversary of our ministry in the United States

A dream that Sr. Michele Yakymovitch, dreamt was to build a shrine to Blessed Josaphata. As most of you know, this dream has become a reality with the help of our benefactors.The shrine is open throughout the year for pilgrims to visit and pray for your many intentions, knowing that our foundress, Blessed Josaphata has answered your prayers and continues to do so through her intimate relationship with God while she was living and now that she enjoys eternal life.

Although the building is complete, the walkway leading up to the shrine is still in need of pavers.The pavers cost $50.00 and may be purchased and engraved with the sentiment of your choice. You may wish to remember loved ones, express gratitude for something or someone, write a simple message, or just add your name witnessing your devotion to Blessed Josaphata.  

A form with the information about the pavers is listed below for your convenience.

We thank you for your support of our ministry and our sisters over the years and pray for God’s continued blessings upon you and your loved ones.

Sister Kathleen Hutsko, SSMI  

Provincial Superior 



Please click here to download the form to fill out and send it.


Brick Engraving Options Page 1 


Brick Engraving Options Page 2 

Sisters Servants Celebrating Blessed Josaphata’s Day

On June 27, 2001, Pope John Paul II beatified Sister Josaphata Hordashevska, the foundress of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate, giving her the title “Blessed” one step closer to her canonization.  He also designated her birthday, November 20th, as her day of celebration.
This year the Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Conception Province in the USA celebrated November 20th by spreading Blessed Josaphata’s intercession and prayer in various ways throughout the province.
The sisters visited people in their homes, nursing home uplifting them with food nourishment as well as spiritual nourishment.  The sisters also celebrated Blessed Josaphata with the staff at the Stamford Eparchial Chancery and Seminary gifting them with a Josaphata candle, medal and holy cards.
The students in our St. Nicholas School in Passaic, NJ were brought to the convent to learn more about Blessed Josaphata as they viewed the DVD about her life.   Blessed Josaphata is beloved by our people, but there are still many who do not know about this “Woman for All Times,” whom we hope will be canonized by the year 2017, the 125th Jubilee of the Congregation of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate.
Please check our website for more photos.
Сестра Йосафата Гордашевська, засновниця Сестер Служебниць Непорочної Діви Марії була проголошена Блаженною – Папою Іваном Павлом ІІ, 27го червня 2001р. Цей титул «Блаженна» дано сестрі Йосафаті як один з  ступінів який є до процесу канонізації. Папа Іван Павло ІІ проголосив її День празника в той  день коли Блаженна Йосафата народилася 20го листопада.
Цього року Сестри Служебниці Непорочного Зачаття, США, святкували 20 листопада, поширюючи посередництво й молитву Блаженної Йосафати в різний спосіб в Провінції.
Сестри відвідали людей у своїх домах і лікарні, піднесуючи їх фізично й духовною поживою.
Сестри справляли День Йосафати разом з персоналом канцелярії і семинарії Стемфордської Епархії. Сестри також подарували їм спеціяльні свічки, медалики і образки Бл.Йосафати.
Студенти школи святого Миколая (Пасейк, Н.Дж.) були запрошені в дім Сестер. Там вони переглянули  відео фільм  про життя Бл.Йосафати, щоби про неї більше дізнатися і навчитися, як  вона жила духовним і повсякденним життям. 
Блаженна Йосафата є дуже улюбленою посеред наших людей, але багато  людей ще не є ознайомленні з нею  як «Жінкою всіх часів». Ми надіємося про її канонізацію в 2017 році як 125 літній Ювілей Згромаджння Сестер Служебниць

Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate “Profess for Life”-by Sr.Kathleen

In January 2012, I shared with you that part of our New Year’s resolution was to include a Sister Servants “Called by Name” vocation story in each edition of THE SOWER.  The purpose was to follow the example of the disciples in “saturating Jerusalem with the message of Jesus Christ.”  The stories were to show that sisters are real people with strengths and weaknesses, who try to respond to God’s call as Women Religious.   The intention was to confirm that a commitment to Jesus as a religious is still very relevant, a blessing, and a very much needed vocation in our society.  The affirming letters and comments from our readers to the individual sisters and to me were humbling, encouraging and hopefully a sign that parents, grandparents, friends and family will encourage women and men to enter religious life and the priesthood.
As Provincial Superior, I will share my vocation story in “wrapping up” this segment.   I was born in Whiting (Hammond) Indiana to Mary and Basil Hutsko, the youngest of four children.  My childhood upbringing centered on Church and family with a solid family unit – never experiencing a baby-sitter.  
My parents’ lives demonstrated to their children the importance of respect, hard work and service to others.  The Church was just a natural part of the fiber of our lives.  All of us attended St. Mary’s Byzantine Catholic School, weekly Sunday Divine Liturgy, evening services, the annual pilgrimages to Uniontown, PA, and helping at all church and school functions.  I still remember the importance of confession as part of our family traditions.  Each time we went to confession, we had to ask each member of our family to forgive us for any hurt we had caused them.  This was not always easy, but it did give me a strong foundation of compassion and I learned not to hold grudges.  
I grew up at a time when the culture supported one’s faith and it was a blessing for parents to have a child become a priest or enter religious life.  My parents set a good religious foundation, and when my twin brothers entered the seminary to study for the priesthood, it just seemed natural.  
My journey was a little delayed.   I was familiar with the Sisters of St. Basil in Uniontown, PA as they were the ones who taught at our parochial school and I went every year to the Our Lady of Perpetual Help pilgrimage.  Although I admired the Sisters and liked being around them, I didn’t feel any pressure to follow in my brothers’ footsteps.  I worked in Chicago for a few years, but could not resist the feeling that I was being called to do something else with my life. I entered the Order of the Sisters of St. Basil in Uniontown, PA when I was 20 years old.   Unfortunately, after 10 months, due to my own struggles and fears, I returned home and went back to work in Chicago.   Two years later, I began to contemplate the call of religious life again.  However, this time it would be a risk as “people” and even my family would see it as an embarrassment if I failed again.
The internal struggles and growth that I experienced while I was a candidate with the Sisters of St. Basil enabled me to have the courage to be open to God’s call, and not be afraid to take a second chance at religious life.  I will always be grateful to the sisters for their role in my journey.
Eventually, at the age of 24, through the promptings of the late Rev. Joseph Bodnar, I entered the Congregation of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate in Sloatsburg, NY.  Although I was not Ukrainian, I was warmly accepted and felt at home with living out the Gospel values in the charism of the Sisters Servants.  
I graduated from Seton Hall University and most of my religious life has been in education as a teacher and principal.  The hundreds of students and parishioners, who have entered and touched my life, are a treasure which I will always cherish.  I was elected Provincial Superior in 2011 for a five-year term.  This ministry is a gift and a challenge for which I pray the grace to fulfill according to God’s plan.
It has not always been easy, but it has been life-giving.  It has been a joy to share the charism of Blessed Josaphata with women who are committed not only with their hearts but with their whole beings. Today, the Sisters Servants are still vital players in creating a vibrant church.  Our work is not done and as they say, the best is yet to come.  It is with a sincere heart that I zealously invite other women to pray for the courage to discern if God is calling you to be a Sister Servant of Mary Immaculate.

Sr. Charlotte Pipping, SSMI – “An Awesome Experience”

In August 1957 I, Sr. Charlotte Pipping, SSMI, entered the Eastern Catholic community of Ukrainian Catholic Sisters, known as the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate, whose patron is Mary, the Mother of God. This Congregation had its main headquarters located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at the time I was inquiring about whether I should embrace the religious life. Upon first inquiry, I was given a list of 6 Sisters’ convents that I could visit. My first choice to visit was located in Youngstown, OH. This convent was named Our Lady of Perpetual Help. I wanted to go there, because I had a great devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. It was when I set a time to visit their home; I discovered the Sisters were known as the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate. 
I had intended to visit for only two days, but I enjoyed my visit so much that I stayed a couple days longer. The Sisters Servants welcomed me so warm-heartedly, and I truly felt at home with them. When I returned home to Cambridge, OH, I quickly inquired further about what I needed to do from Sr. Bernadette, SSMI, who was then the Provincial Superior for both the USA and Canada. Upon receiving my instructions, I quickly prepared for my entrance into the Sisters Servants Novitiate, located in Ancaster, Ontario, Canada. That happy day came on 
August 13th, 1957. 
There were many new experiences, as I tried out this new type of living.  Number one, of course, was to learn how to read and speak the Ukrainian language. Reading it was rather easy, but learning to speak was most difficult for me. What helped me the most, however, was singing the many beautiful songs hat honored the Mother of God and Jesus, and, especially singing the Divine Liturgy. 
I was the first American Sister to leave the Novitiate, and to return to the newly-erected American Province named in honor of the Immaculate Conception. At that time the American headquarters were situated in Chestnut Hill area of Philadelphia, PA. 
My earliest childhood memories recall spending my formative years on several different sizes of farms in the rural areas surrounding Akron, OH. By age nine, my family decided to relocate to a farm in Guernsey County, located in southeastern Ohio. This particular geographical area was predominately Protestant. And most of my neighbors and school classmates were quite unfriendly towards Catholics. This experience helped me to value and to hunger for the Catholic faith. I grew in a steadfast desire and love for the Catholic faith, and I daily prayed to Our Lady of Perpetual Help to help me achieve the goal of being baptized. I earnestly turned to Mary to help me in my desire, and I entrusted all my concerns into her hands until I received this great grace from the Lord.
My maternal grandparents were of the Byzantine Slovak Ruthenian Catholic tradition. They arrived in America between 1890, and the early 1900’s, from the village of Kosice in northeastern territory of Czechoslovakia, known as Zimplinsky. My grandfather found employment in the coal mines located in Guernsey County, Ohio. They settled in the area of Pleasant City and raised a large family of 12 children. My grandfather was a Slovak Roman Catholic, but my grandmother was a Slovak Greek Catholic. It was due to her dedication and love for the Byzantine Catholic faith that she nurtured all her children in this faith tradition, and it was her love of prayer that impressed and attracted me to her deep faith. 
The faith of my paternal grandparents was of the Protestant German tradition. I never had the opportunity or privilege of meeting them because they lived in eastern Massachusetts, and worked in the textile mills of that area. My father, Paul, left home at the age of 14, shortly after the death of his mother, and his father’s remarriage.  Although, he had been baptized and nurtured in the Episcopalian faith, he did not continue to practice his family’s faith after he left home. In addition, because his family was from Germany and he experienced a lot of prejudice during his teenage years, my father forbade us to speak any foreign language or nurture any foreign customs in our family. He also opposed our embracing any Catholic faith traditions until we graduated from high school. 
Since we were farmers, from my earliest years, my brother and I were expected to help with the farm work. Our last farm home was located quite far from any Catholic churches. Therefore, it wasn’t until I was 16 years of age that I was able to first experience the beauty of our Byzantine Catholic Liturgical Services and customs. But when I did, it filled me with great joy, so much so, that I completely fell in love with the music and the words. 
During my very first experience of the Divine Liturgy, I was invited by my godmother, to join my relatives in the choir loft and sing the Divine Liturgy responses with them. I accepted because I love to sing. I still remember that day as if it were yesterday, we sang in English. I truly felt the Lord blessing me as we sang the Divine Liturgy responses that morning! That special experience left me completely awed and astounded by the incredible beauty of the Byzantine Liturgical music, as the powerful way the words spoke to me! That experience left its unforgettable impact upon my memory.
Without a doubt, any and all of the above early childhood experiences have, together, greatly served to guide me into ever deepening of my faith, and to continually deepen my relationship with God, and to ever dedicate my life to serving and praising Him in the vocation as a Sister Servant of Mary Immaculate. With that desire in mind I decided, after my visit to the Sisters Servants in Youngstown, many years ago, to choose the vocation of the Religious Life, and for the past 55 years, God has sustained me and blessed me as a Sister Servant.
Throughout those years, I have worked primarily in elementary parochial education, serving in the capacity as elementary teacher, as catechist, and even as principal. In 1985, my catechetical focus turned to assisting parish catechists in both the Stamford and Philadelphia Eparchies. I have also served as administrator of our St. Joseph’s Adult Care Home in Sloatsburg, NY.
Over the years, on many occasions, I have been asked what makes me most happy in my vocation as a Sister Servant. Most assuredly, it is in the moments when I have had the opportunity to help make a difference in the lives of the many souls.  I have enjoyed the great blessing of sharing and teaching the truth of God’s love for them, and to help them gain a deeper awareness of their faith in God.  I have discovered and experienced the great joy and reward that comes to those who unselfishly choose to serve Our Lord, Jesus Christ in their vocation.

“Follow Me” Weekend

We Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate for the second year are hosting a "Follow Me" weekend from May 17-19, 2013 for young women from ages 19-40 at St. Mary’s Villa in Sloatsburg, NY. There is no cost for this weekend and it is for young woman who wants to follow Jesus closer however she is being called. It is an opportunity to develop new friendships, deepen your relationship with God as well as enjoy yourselves with other young women and Sisters Servants. You may download the fyer and registration form here or with your Pastor. You may send your registration via email to Sr. Eliane: 

Come and join us. Give yourself an opportunity to be blessed and feel the presence of God in silence and peaceful moments… 

SSMI Lenten Novena Letter 2013 – English

<div><img src=”/images/M.jpg” border=”0″ width=”207″ height=”122″ align=”left” />March 2013</div><div> </div><div>Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,</div><div> </div><div><span class=”Apple-tab-span” style=”white-space: pre”></span></div><div>This year the story of “Zacchaeus” was left out of the pre-Lenten Gospels in the Liturgical calendar, and I felt a little cheated.  I love Zacchaeus because he didn’t let the fact that he was a man of wealth (no matter how he got it) and had a certain social position or a certain standing among the people, stop him from stepping out of character when he had the impulse to “see Jesus.”  He simply had to see Jesus and open himself to the invitation of grace and repentance.  When he did, he was never the same again.</div><div>  </div><div>The Great Fast (Lent) is a wonderful time for us to experience our “Zacchaeus moment.”  It is a moment we must all earnestly pray for.  Like Zacchaeus we need to “desire” Jesus to be a part of our everyday lives, not just on Sunday or when we are praying for a job or for healing for our loved ones.  Lent gives us the opportunity to let go of our comfortable life by praying more individually and as a church family,  by fasting and by charitable giving, to help us reconnect with Jesus.</div><div> </div><div>As we prepare for the journey of the Great Fast or Lent, we Sisters Servants invite you to add your needs, joys, and sorrows, to our prayer intentions by using the enclosed form.  We also invite you to join us in prayer during the Lenten Novena which is from March 19 – March 27, 2013. May you experience your “Zacchaeus moment” and open yourself to the invitation of grace and repentance during the Great Fast (Lent.)</div><div>Sincerely in Christ,</div><div><br /></div><div>Sr. Kathleen Hutsko, SSMI                             </div><div>Provincial Superior</div><div><br /></div>

SSMI Lenten Novena Letter 2013

Березень 2013
Дорогі у Христі брати і сестри у Христі!
Цього року у літургічному циклі Євангелій, що приготовляють нас до Великого Посту, опущено притчу про Закхея, і я почуваюся обділеною. Я люблю Закхея, адже він не дозволив, щоби матеріяльні статки (не суттєво, яким чином здобуті), суспільний стан та позиція серед людей позбавили його можливости вийти за межі себе, коли він відчув нагальну потребу «побачити Ісуса». Закхей в дійсності мусив побачити Ісуса і відкритись на запрошення до благодати та навернення. Вчинивши це, він уже ніколи не був тією самою людиною.
Великий Піст є чудовою нагодою для кожного із нас пережити «момент Закхея», момент, про який нам слід щиро молитися. Подібно до Закхея, ми повинні прагнути, щоб Ісус Христос став невід’ємною частиною нашого щоденного життя, а не лише у неділю чи коли молимося про працю або про оздоровлення наших близьких. Піст дає нам можливість відійти від нашого комфортного життя завдяки поглибленій особистій та спільній молитві, постові та добрим ділам, які допоможуть нам поєднатися з Христом.
Приготовляючись до Великопосної мандрівки, ми, Сестри Служебниці, запрошуємо Вас доповнити наші молитви Вашими потребами, радостями та болями, заповнивши залучений формуляр. Принагідно запрошуємо Вас злучитися із нам у Великопосній Дев’ятниці, яка триватиме 19-27 березня 2013 року. Бажаємо Вам пережити «момент Закхея» і відкритися на запрошення до благодати і покаяння під час Великого Посту.
У Христі Ісусі
С. Катерина Гутцко, СНДМ
Провінційна Настоятелька